Top Digital Marketing Trends for 2022

With the last two years pushing most of the businesses and their consumers onto an online platform, it’s safe to say that life for a digital marketing professional is far from easy. In an oversaturated market, standing out has become the goal of all our clients and a challenge to digital marketers to keep updated on the top trends of the upcoming year to rank higher!

Here are a few things to keep an eye out for in the digital marketing sphere in 2022 and tips on how to ride the waves:

And that’s the way the Cookies crumble..
In early 2021, Google announced its definitive decision to phase out third-party cookies without any replacement with a cross-site tracking technology in 2022. This announcement did give the digital marketing community a jolt- and it’s apparent that a change is imminent. On bidding adieu to cookie tracking, the digital marketing approach to ad targeting and remarketing needs to be modified from what we’re conventionally used to.
This could mean only one thing- the data that us digital marketers were so heavily reliant for ad targeting on is no longer at our disposal.
So, what are the solutions to this, you ask?
Find the necessary information using first-party data alone by leveraging innovative strategies, while upholding the consumer’s privacy
Remain updated on industry news
Consider revisiting former strategies that may have worked in the past which you phased out early on
Using AI in digital marketing to improve personalization and to enhance the quality of content created
Come up with innovative solutions via alternate tools for ad targeting and remarketing

Not the same old Story..
Revisit your content strategy this year- approach storytelling from a new angle to replace conventional advertising and sales-driven copy. A story helps humanise your brand and allows consumers to better relate to it by giving them a reason to care. Words can work their magic but also consider using visuals and short advertisements to drive your message home.
Weaving genuine consumer experiences and reviews within your narrative and corroborating data to your story seal its worth. Lend a hand with campaigns of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), get involved in local events with sponsorships, creating experiences for your consumers and invest in your human resources wisely.
Tell your brand’s story using a digital visual and written narrative- and do it well.

A turn of Events..
With the events industry taking a hit post pandemic, most have assumed a digital presence- and it looks like what was considered to be a temporary fix has come to stay.
Take your events online- make it an opportunity to directly interact with your consumers and collect data inconspicuously. While they may not have a direct impact on driving up your revenue, events help improve brand recall, position it as an industry expert and allow you to connect with potential customers.

Go through the proper Channels
Existing on just one channel to drive sales isn’t the way to go anymore. Build your network on a variety of channels- you never know where you will find your next customer from.
Keep a consistent tone of voice in your storytelling across every platform, showcase your company as a community and mix in sales copy with genuine consumer experiences. Having a multi-channel presence allows you to achieve a deeper market penetration and a wider user base.
LinkedIn with its new updates is unlocking further opportunities making it a better place for marketers to connect with their audience. Clubhouse assumed an audio-only position amongst the visual social media stalwarts like Instagram and Facebook and made it an app that everyone wanted to be on, not long ago. Its short-lived success made it a great choice for marketers to promote their product and to drive their message home by just having a presence on the app. Keep an eye and ear out for the apps that are blowing up and attempt to make your presence felt on that channel.
That being said, try to dominate one channel and focus on attaining leads from your presence there.
Consider using influencer marketing by connecting with users having a wide reach on that channel. Identify influencers who seem like the right fit to endorse your service and whose followers may respond well to your offering.

A Game plan
When it comes to mobile app downloads, gamification runs the show, topping the charts. If your product or service is something that can be gamified, explore that option to engage your potential customers. The initial investment may be high, but the returns on gamification are promising.

Swaying to the rhythm of Algorithm
Every digital marketing professional understands how every aspect of their job is driven by algorithms. User experience is the centre of the algorithm universe, so provide an experience that your users will cherish to improve your visibility and rankings.

Now Hear this!
Over the last few years, consumers have been gaining a voice- and your potential consumers are listening. So, hear us when we say this- keep an eye and an ear out for what they have to say.
With an increase in rates of voice searches on mobile devices and a dependence on chatbots to ease the purchase process- it is quite obvious what the next step will be.

An eye into the Future
Feel motivated to delve into the untapped channels before they blow up using the Blue Ocean strategy. With Meta being the keyword on everyone’s minds after Zuckerberg’s announcement, explore how your product or service could have a presence on the metaverse.
While focusing on the top digital marketing trends in 2022, don’t forget to keep an eye out on the future to stay at the top of your game.

If you want to revisit or improve your digital marketing strategy for 2022, reach out to Dinero Tech Labs and we will be happy to lend a hand in giving your business the place it deserves!
