SEO Ranking Factors

If you’re a business with an online presence, you probably have one question on your mind at all times- How to boost my SEO ranking? For the uninitiated, SEO expands into Search Engine Optimisation and is primarily done to improve the quality and volume of traffic from search engines (like Google) that a website or page would receive.

With every passing year, there emerge new best practices that a business is recommended to adhere to and sincerely follow in order to gain a good SEO ranking. Let’s first examine the Top 3 SEO ranking factors in 2021 followed by other things you mustn’t overlook when attempting to boost your spot.

The Top 3 SEO Ranking Factors

A frequently repeated statement that all digital marketers are familiar with is that ‘Content is King’. Good content relevant to a user’s search query is the intention. Hence, having high-quality original up-to-date content is a non-negotiable part and parcel of your SEO ascent, so invest wisely in content. Along with the quality, the length of the content is on your page is another factor you must consider too.

Meta-data is a slightly more technical aspect that determines your SEO ranking. Be sure to spend some time on the creation of good meta-titles and descriptions, which are all specific to the particular webpage.

Websites that perform well are the ones more likely to be pushed to a higher ranking by the search engine. This is again dependent on the relevance of the content to the search query as well as other factors like how quickly the website loads, ease of use and being a mobile-friendly page.

Be sure to speak to the experts at Dinero Tech labs, well-versed with the top ranking factors in 2021, available at [email protected].
