Boost Organic Reach of your Instagram Stories

There’s nothing quite as disappointing as spending hours conceptualizing an Instagram story, shooting for it, creating it and attaching the perfect filters- only for it to be seen by just a handful of people. Here’s why you need Instagram Marketing– and why it needs to extend to your Story strategy! 

By boosting your organic reach for Instagram stories- you could do a world of benefit to your business and Instagram marketing goals. Amidst ever evolving algorithms, one thing that remains consistent is how you can leverage Instagram Marketing to make your presence felt. Here are the top five ways to be seen and heard better on one of the world’s favorite social networking sites: 

  • Timing is Everything! 

It’s all about being seen by a potential customer when a need arises on their end. To increase the viewership of your Instagram story in an organic manner, the primary rule of Instagram marketing is to post at the appropriate time. 

Keep a check on the timings of the posts that get maximum engagement and replicate it to keep things steady. Don’t hesitate to experiment and find what timing may work out best for your business. 

Instagram Analytics could provide you a gold mine of information to plan your stories and improve engagement rates. 

  • Consistency is Key!  

Just as one can’t fall off track from their fitness goals for extended periods of time and expect results, similarly Instagram marketing is highly dependent on consistency. 

Make sure to put out content that is engaging and relevant on a regular basis. Creating a content calendar to plan and schedule upcoming posts may be helpful for keeping on track and being consistent. 

  • Storytelling is Selling! 

In Instagram marketing, you need to build a story to keep your viewers tapping the right side of their phone screens instead of swiping away from your stories! 

To keep them hooked, make your Instagram story a story. Maintain a standard when it comes to your content and the views will remain! 

  • Users love UGC! 

If you’re selling a product or service, enhance your Instagram marketing with the use of User Generated Content! Reposting customer testimonials, stories and tags while working actively on the negative feedback received can build your brand’s trust and keep your customers coming back for more! 

  • Get Active & Interactive! 

Don’t be afraid to connect with the audience. Open up your account to interactions with Q&As, polls, voting and other interactive stickers. Your audience wants to be heard so consider giving them a platform. 

Be seen and heard on Instagram Stories. If you’re still not confident, let us help you out! Contact our team at Dinero Tech Labs

