How to Increase Company Visibility on LinkedIn in 2022?

Business visibility is important- perhaps, the most important factor if you’re looking to generate leads. To build recognition in the vast market out there in 2022, it is imperative to work on your company’s visibility and lend it an edge to stand out. The proven gold standard to build a credible company online is through LinkedIn Marketing.

LinkedIn Marketing Has Several Advantages

  • Businesses can display that they remain relevant with the current market trends and updates.
  • The ability to connect with other people and businesses using a common platform allows to build on connections within the sector fostering collaboration over competition.
  • It is an appropriate platform to find potential employees, suppliers and prospects who could lend an edge to your business.
  • You can drive traffic to the pages you desire like your website, YouTube or social media to garner attention and potential sales.

All in all, it would be unwise to skip the goldmine of opportunity that a good presence with effective LinkedIn marketing could bring.

Here are a three-pronged approach of things you could do stand out on the best social media platform meant for professionals and increase your company’s visibility:

1.Leverage your employees and your own personal LinkedIn profile:
a. Mention your company page on posts
First things first, use your own following to start off building a network for your company. When you or your employees post something about your brand, be sure to tag it on LinkedIn. Fascinated readers may be intrigued and open up the company page- and maybe give it a follow.
 b. Invite your connections to follow the company page
Invite your LinkedIn circle to like and follow the official brand page on LinkedIn.
 c. Get tagged
Make sure that all the members of your team are on-board with tagging the official company LinkedIn page when they post about it. This helps grow your network by leveraging the personal network of your employees.

2.Work on improving your company page and making it better:
a. First impressions matter!
Ensure that the business page has a good profile picture and cover picture. Revise the content on the company’s About Us to read well. Pin posts of worth to convey your brand’s story.
b. Document everything!
Post about company events, milestones, challenges and achievements on a fairly regular basis using a content strategy tailored to LinkedIn. Memes, GIFs and presentations- do it all!
c. Reshare articles on developments in the field
It’s alright if you can’t generate new content every other day to post on LinkedIn- resharing relevant articles from your industry experts, employees or even competitors may make you stand out as a content aggregator- therefore, a go-to profile for learning about your niche industry.
d. Reexamine the archives
Look for posts that you may have put up a while ago to repost if they are still relevant and have the ability to spark a conversation.
e. Engage using the company LinkedIn profile
Comment, like and share posts from people or companies that you believe may be interested in your company and its offerings. Have a consistent brand voice and make sure to stand out with every little action you take using the company page.
f. Be sure to add the link to your company’s LinkedIn profile everywhere!
We mean everywhere- employees’ official email signatures, the company website, off-page submissions, articles- we mean just about everything.

3.Delve into the technicalities:
Make your company page on LinkedIn SEO friendly and keep an eye on LinkedIn Analytics to get an idea on what’s working and what’s not. Work on building LinkedIn Products and the Life segment on the company page to appeal to potential employees. Also, don’t be afraid to use polls and organise Events on LinkedIn. Another place which could be used to garner a loyal following and your future employees is LinkedIn Jobs.

If you’re not sure how to go about this, feel free to reach out to our LinkedIn Marketing experts at Dinero Tech Labs at [email protected] to improve your company’s visibility.
