Google Speed update – Will It Affect Your Ranking?

Google comes up with a new update every now and then. Some of these give minor heart attacks to the SEO teams around the globe. One of the most recent update from Google is its new Speed Update. Now many might be wondering, what is so new about it? Speed was indeed a matter for ranking for quite long isn’t it?? If this is your question, yes from that angle of thought it is right. From 2010 onwards Speed is indeed a deciding fact.

But in between, did you forget about the mobile first strategy. If not, here is the clear explanation for your questions. With this new speed update, Google is targeting the mobile search speed. The mobile search speed is changing to be a determining factor in your SEO ranking from July2018.

Google has come up with a consoling line, “The update will only affect pages that deliver the slowest experience to users” which according to them will only affect a small percentage of queries. But this is again leading to quite many questions. One, what number defines the “small percentage”.  The slow speed standards are also undefined presently. Only point to be deciphered is that, Google will downgrade really slow pages, but there are no benefits for being the fastest.

Many analysts’ claims that it is quite clear from the statements that, this is not a major update and hence won’t affect your rankings, unless your website doesn’t load at all. Which is indeed hopeful, but again the question rises, why Google did then gave this update 6 months prior to its scheduled implementation. This seems to be a clear warning signal.

When the ambiguity on this latest updates is steaming, there are a few safety measures you can start today, to stay unaffected in any worst case.

If you are wondering how, Google is still here to help. There are indeed many application and tools available in the web which can help your learn on the performance of your pages. They can also suggest you where to improve and how. Their own tool “TestMySite” is a wonderful option to choose. There are several free tools available, which help you compare with your competitors and recognize if your ranking are vulnerable.

Bring the changes that keep you confident. 6 months is ample time! Catch up with new strategies and make your SEO stronger than before especially in mobile search. AMP or Accelerated Mobile Page is a great deal, as they offer a faster load time.

Also there are tools and reports to diagnose your website with using Search Console, LightHouse Tool and of course the PageInsight reports.  So set your gears ready and prepare yourself for that fine morning of July 2018.
