Your heart sinks to the bottom the minute your eyes fall on the Google Analytics graph in your account. The traffic drop shown is alarming, and you wonder what went wrong. There are a few steps that can be taken to track the issue and rectify it.
The decline helps you to think and react at the right moment with the appropriate measures.
1. How bad is the Traffic Drop?
Go back a month in time and have a quick scan. Then select a time range of six months backward and check for the dips that took place during that time.
Is the drop sudden and sharp or slow and steady?
A sudden and sharp drop indicates the severity of the situation and it requires immediate attention. It could be anything – from a new algorithm to another competitor or even a hacker.
But if the decline shows a curve that went down gradually, it is more likely to be a chronic problem that needs proper attention. Find the root cause and build a strategy to solve it.
2. Check Your Traffic Source
A complete traffic analysis will consider the site statistics with historical changes, backlinks, etc. All kinds of information are required to track down the issue. An analysis of the overall traffic is a good place to start the process. The main type of traffic source include:
See if any broken links prevent your visitors from getting through or a competitor has taken away some of your traffic. Have a lookout for new and returning visitors. Check your website and mobile to see if any changes have affected the UX design and experience.
3. Examine the Possible Reasons
Have a checklist that analyzes the possible problems over the past 6 months.
Look out for the rest of this article next week.