How to optimize your website for Voice Search?

The year 2011 saw the great innovation, introducing Siri in iPhones, take the world by storm. Over the years technology has advanced with voice-activated digital assistants like Google Assistant, Amazon’s Alexa, etc, vying for the top spot in the markets.

Voice search on their devices has also become indispensable for consumers. The potential for the search market has increased with the accuracy of the AI technology used in voice search. 

Some benefits of voice search technology are:

  • Ability to multitask
  • To do things faster
  • The daily routine is easier
  • Instant answers and information

Using voice search is gaining popularity as it provides information in a simplified process. 

Optimize for Voice Search

Businesses are slowing awakening to the fact that they need to enhance their existing content for voice search. To stand out from the crowd, you need to optimize the content from the beginning.

Here are a few changes needed to optimize the voice search.

1. Keyword Research

There is a big difference in keywords for a search that is typed and for a search through voice. People usually type shorter terms like ‘new car models’ while in voice search they could say, ‘What new cars are coming out in 2020?.’ Find out what kind of questions people are asking with tools like Answer the Public and Google Search’s ‘People Also Ask’ to get more ideas.

2. Featured Snippets

Featured Snippets appear at the very top of the search results. If the query features in the snippets, be sure that the voice search will pick the answer from there. Fine-tune your content so that Google will showcase it as a featured snippet.

3. Content Development

When optimizing content for voice search, you need to ensure to insert search questions at various stages of the customer journey: awareness, interest, evaluation, purchase, customer support, and loyalty. The research concludes that three main types of content are good for voice search.

  • Informational – guides, how-to 
  • Navigational – store locations, press releases, etc
  • Transactional- product stories, videos, product descriptions

4. Page Speed

The speed with which your page loads will also determine whether it will appear in the search results. Analyze the page speed with PageSpeed Insights. Note that your users might be people in a real hurry or on the go. It is important to have a mobile-friendly site as most of the voice search happens via mobile devices.

5. Optimize for Local Search Results

A majority of voice searches and mobile web browser searches are location-based questions. The queries include searches for locations, product availability, business hours, events, etc. The more you perfect the content and site for local search, the more chances of users finding your site.

Voice search is what businesses should start focusing on and prioritizing at the earliest as experts expect it to have a huge impact on search marketing. When the wave swells, be sure to be at the top of the crest. To know more, call us.
