Low Website Traffic? Fix it now!

When traffic for a website goes down, digital marketers skip a heartbeat. There could be a hundred reasons for the dip in traffic. It could be a change that needs immediate attention or could be an organic one like a Google algorithm update that would rectify itself in time.

Whatever the reason, it has to be identified and sorted out. Let’s go through a couple of them.

1. Algorithm Update

The most common offender for low website traffic is an algorithm update. Search engine providers like Google and Bing have constant updates to better the user experience for more happy customers. A Google core algorithm update could take you from the first page to the second page, which is bad for the traffic as only 25 % of users move on to the second page when searching for information.

So, keep track of the industry experts who give updates and solutions to algorithm changes as search engine providers are least likely to mention the updates.

2. Google penalties

Google penalties are another reason that affects web traffic. Look in Google Search Console and Google Webmaster Tools to find messages or alerts on errors like Crawl and HTML errors. Use tools like Moz, SEMrush, etc to analyze the not-so-evident errors for answers.

3. Using HTTP instead of HTTPS

Google had made it mandatory for websites to have HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). It ensures safe encryption and transfer of user data and Google has made HTTPS as one of the ranking factors for SERPs results.  Secure your website with a dedicated IP address and SSL certificate. Unsecure sites bring down the user experience and SEO strategy, further hindering the web traffic.

4. Outmoded Keyword Strategy

You need to keep track of the keywords used in your content. Keyword ranking helps us to understand the position of the keywords in the SERPs. The ranking depends on the search habits which change over time. Keyword assessments every two weeks help to evaluate, optimize and revise the content to achieve a better return on investment.

5. Investigate your SEO

Take every aspect of the search engine optimization strategies implemented to understand what went wrong to affect the web traffic. 

Track the PPC campaigns you have stopped and assess the traffic flow from them. This cessation could be a reason for the decline. Cross-check lost backlinks and content that’s been removed. Always check content performance before deleting them. Setbacks in content promotion especially in social media can bring about the decline also. Start social promotion with the right audience to get back on track.

Lack of content updates or no new content is another reason for waning web traffic. Google loves to index updated pages and new relevant content which helps solve user problems. Great UX designs with SEO on your website assist in outstanding user experience. So look out for areas in your website that has poor UX designs like:

  • Replace page content with unoptimized content
  • Not setting up 301 direct for brand new pages of existing pages
  • Not updating sitemap for site structure changes
  • Not including Google Analytics tracking code in your updated website

Rectify these errors and you will be able to overcome obstacles that prevent your website from ranking. Low website traffic issues can be removed with ease for better visibility and website performance. Email us to know how your website fares!
