6 Content Marketing Strategies to Boost the Traffic

You might have come across terms like content marketing, content marketing strategies and wondered, ‘what on earth is that?’ you are not the only one. These not-so-new terms do have a lot of vagueness associated with them. Don’t worry. We will give you a quick explanation of content marketing and its strategies. A great number of marketers don’t follow a documented strategy which could lead to a huge loss of all the efforts taken. So read on to learn more.

What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience.’  – Content Marketing Institute.

Here are a few tactics to follow:

1. Define your mission and goals

Identify your target audience and decide on what type of content would attract them and the benefits they would get. Your business goals should have ways to increase revenue, sales, and traffic, build SEO success, and social media engagement.

2. Set up your KPIs

How do you achieve your goals? By setting up key performance indicators (KPIs) for your content marketing strategies. Your goals become specific and measurable like the numbers you want to achieve in revenue and sales. The KPIs could be a certain revenue target or more signups, new email subscribers, increase in site traffic and search ranking.

3. Who is your audience?

You need to know your audience to be able to create the right content. For that, you need to collect the demographic data from your visitors, social media followers and email subscribers, including the details from customer feedback and analytics. Based on these create personas and a better understanding of their problems is the foundation to write content that is relevant and valuable for your customers.

4. Discern the best content channels

As your work gets smooth and runs well, try to find out where your audience is and where your online success lies. Once that is established, focus on those channels that are working and expand them, rather than doing them altogether.

5. Content Types you need

Now, comes the important part. What types of content do you require to create for inspiration? For starters, we definitely, need blogs. They bring in great traffic and they should be shareable and actionable. The other types of content include infographics, video marketing, webinars, checklists, ebooks, and white paper.

6. The  Content Calendar

Use a content calendar like Google calendar, Trello or a customized one to schedule all the content that needs to be published on various platforms. Your content needs to be organized and published on time to get the best results. Select the topics based on your research about audience and add them to the calendar.

Finally, everything’s in place and now start creating your content. Research and write content that makes sense and are free of mistakes. Promote the content across the channels, measure the results and convert them into leads. Struggling with bad content and content management? Use our expertise and conquer the internet!
